The big white church on the corner.
Who are we?
What do we believe?
Our Beliefs
We at Christ the Rock are a community of believers. Together we grow to know Jesus and serve to make Him known. We believe that the bible has final authority on all matters in which it bears. We believe that there is only one true God, and that He is a God of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His saving grace is what we believe is all we need, and that it is offered to all and received through faith in Jesus Christ. The Lutheran church of Christ the Rock is a part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
Faith Markers
If you’ve ever been on a hike or trail that is longer you often find markers along the way to show your intervals traveled. We like this analogy for our faith journey. Along the way there are markers for us to recognize significant events on our journey. Faith Marker Sundays are times we pause and celebrate, together, that people have crossed these markers.
We host Faith Marker Workshops three or four times a year. These Workshops are a great, no-pressure, way to explore what these markers are about, why they're important, and how you can take your next step. We answer questions, add details and help you connect with others who can walk with you.
God uses water to recreate and deliver His people in the Old Testament. Water signifies a threshold of God’s power and promise. Then Jesus participates in and calls His disciples into the water of baptism. Come to the water and the mystery of God’s Kingdom.
In Communion we walk by faith. Here we enter the mystery of Jesus' final passover meal with His disciples. We celebrate Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection for our forgiveness and life. It’s a powerful way we celebrate our unity with him and with each other.
Confirmation is the other side of Jesus’ great commission to His disciples. “Go and make disciples by baptizing them and teaching to abide in everything I have taught you…”. In Confirmation we celebrate that moment when someone confirms and affirms for themselves the teachings they have been taught. This is a wonderful complement and affirmation of baptism.
Journeys are best when done with others. Faith is personal, but it is not private. You are invited into life with Jesus AND with others in a local, loving, active community of Christ followers.